The word humility derives from the Latin humus (meaning, “earth/ground”). As such, humility hearkens us to our ultimate end here, which is that of returning to dust—-back to the earth.

I find this vision of humility much more palatable than the typical Judeo-Christian vision of submitting to a Godhead or that of acting with meekness.

When I remember that my fate is to become part of the dust of the earth, I find myself relieved. No big deals anymore! I can relax from the core of my being. And out of that relaxed (or really, *released*) state, I’m somehow reminded of my heart; or it’s that *the heart asserts itself into a consciousness unencumbered by self-concern*—and its a tender and vulnerable heart from which an unfettered love seemingly emanates.

This phenomenon of temporary release from self-concern due to a confrontation with impermanence and death, leading to a touch of the tenderest love is one I’m familiar with. It’s a neural pathway I’ve grooved through reflecting upon my ultimate dissolution for hundreds, possibly thousands of hours for nearly the past ten years.

So, the next time someone mentions humility, I think I’ll utilize it as an opportunity to deepen this same groove, to reflect upon the beginning and end of my time here--"ashes to ashes, dust to dust," as the Catholics say (and as Dr. John sang/spoke in "Didn't he ramble?").


Anyone who knows me knows I’m no Christian, and yet, I find myself enchanted by the poetry of Genesis 3:19: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Such a lovely sentiment, I find. Sometimes, life can feel hard. And to know that there’s a nice nap coming is such a relief! It’s not that one wants to hurtle toward that nap, but it gives one courage and determination to keep at it even when things are challenging because there’s rest that’s promised down the line.

Naturally, I'll be disappointed if I end up having to *toil* in hell, or else to listen to countless sermons in heaven. “I just wanted a fucking nap!” I’ll be screaming at whoever is in charge. 🤣
